Directed by Quentin Dupieux
Starring Alain Chabat, Jonathan Lambert, Élodie Bouchez, Kyla Kenedy and Eric Wareheim
A wanna-be director is given 48 hours by a producer to find the best groan of pain, worthy of an Oscar, as the only condition to back his film.
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★★★★½ review by Evan Schwartz on Letterboxd
"Then I'll tell everyone you dress up like a woman"
Whatever the hell happened in this movie, it is pure, unadulterated surrealist bliss. It defies any explanation--it's just a bewildering dreamscape. A weirdly hilarious one, too. Its portrayal of dreams is absolute genius; dreams don't often make sense, and this film captures the feeling of a confusing dream that you accept as reality, because while you're in it it just seems right.
★★★★ review by Brandon Hart on Letterboxd
Quentin Dupieux shatters the boundaries of reality, producing both cohesive themes and humorously absurd convolution, and the result is...
Reality, a Quentin Dupieux film.
Quentin is an absurdist artist, creating only what he feels the desire to. This time, he's put together a piece consisting of many wonderfully abstract things.
Jon Heder dressed as a rat, convinced he has rashes that no one else sees.
Surfer sniping.
Movies within dreams within nightmares.
More than 67 individual groans.
The only way to know you'll enjoy a Dupieux film is if you watch a Dupieux film. Reality's the pinnacle of that idea.
It's probably my least favorite outing of his so far, but I loved it all the same.
★★★★ review by Rakestraw on Letterboxd
Perhaps Quentin Dupieux’s most accessible film in the sense that almost of the film’s proceedings are at least semi-logical, still housed within his brand of dreamworld reasoning. Probably as close to a straightforward film as we are going to get from Dupieux.
Films within dreams, dreams within other dreams but also within other films. Films running concurrently in parallel worlds then meeting in dreams and also nightmares that also part of some films and other dreams….and, jesus, the damn film keeps folding back into itself. Just turn off the reasoning portion of your mind and enjoy the bizarre journey of VHS tapes hidden amongst the worthless innards of wild boars and questing for the perfect groin of pain.
The most satisfying/entertaining aspect of Reality happens to be how Dupieux presents his dreamworld narrative. Its presentation is much more mature than previous efforts wherein Dupieux had a penchant for injecting weirdness for weirdness sake while also regrettably lingering on said weirdness for entirely too long. Here, weird things happen routinely, nonchalantly, without Dupieux’s need for wink-wink, nudge-nudgery.
★★★½ review by Jason Bailey on Letterboxd
Look, Quetin Dupieux is either your brand of vodka or he isn’t, and he’s certainly not going to talk you into anything at this point. His latest is a particularly bizarre intermingling of strange characters and peculiar situations, constantly reframing itself as Dupieux toggles between dream, reality, nightmare, and fiction within fiction, frequently intermingling his planes and characters. Dream movies are usually annoying because they end up obliterating their own narrative credibility; no such worries here, because he’s less telling a story than creating a cinematic Russian nesting doll, an 'Inception' by way of Buñuel. His brand of obtuse absurdism is off-putting to some, but I found myself giggling at its audacity and nonsense logic.
★★★½ review by Nathan Rabin on Letterboxd
Pretty WEIRDDDDD!!!!!!
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