Directed by Jonas Carpignano
Starring Koudous Seihon, Alassane Sy, Francesco Papasergio, Pio Amato and Vincenzina Siciliano
Ayiva recently left his home in Burkina Faso in search of a way to provide for his sister and his daughter. He takes advantage of his position in an illegal smuggling operation to get himself and his best friend Abas off of the continent. Ayiva adapts to life in Italy, but when tensions with the local community rise, things become increasingly dangerous. Determined to make his new situation work he attempts to weather the storm, but it has its costs.
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★★★★ review by Eli Hayes on Letterboxd
shine a light through an open door
love and life I will divide
turn away 'cause I need you more
feel the heartbeat in my mindit's the way I'm feeling I just can't deny
but I've gotta let it go -
★★★★ review by maddie on Letterboxd
How am I going to explain why I'm crying on the floor every time Rihanna plays in public
★★★★ review by TJ D on Letterboxd
Mediterranean is a remarkably sad movie, and hit me hard in its final moments. It has a Top 10 or so final shot, as well as a really beautiful sad moment involving Rihanna and Skype that will stick for a while.
This is a tale of an African man's journey to Italy to find a better life, and provide for his daughter back in Africa. It's about the dangers of migrant worker life, and about how eventually, there is a tipping point. But, as with many of life's problems, re-accuring problems are not enough of a deterrent to cause someone to make change. The problems continue over and over and over.
It's a beautiful film, by a first time director. Recommended.
★★★½ review by Nicklas Barback on Letterboxd
A story of two men from Burkina Faso who immigrates to Italy. We get to follow the journey as well as their tough life in Italy. Nothing in the story surprises but everything is handled very well, very human and authentic. The film contains the best use of a Rihanna song since "Girlhood".
★★★½ review by Nichtsbesondern on Letterboxd
Rihanna FTW. Beautiful cinematography. Decent story.
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