Sweet Bean
Directed by Naomi Kawase
Starring Kirin Kiki, Masatoshi Nagase, Miki Mizuno, Etsuko Ichihara and Miyoko Asada
Sentaro runs a small bakery that serves dorayaki pastries filled with sweet red bean paste (“an”). When an old lady, Tokue, offers to help in the kitchen he reluctantly accepts. She will soon prove to have magic in her hands…
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★★★½ review by Graham Williamson on Letterboxd
Reviewed on The Geek Show.
Features perhaps the most purely gripping set-piece of bean curd preparation since, I don't know, probably Dziga Vertov's lost film Prepare That Bean Curd in Atonement for Your False Consciousness, Trotskyite Subversive! On the narrative front, Naomi Kawase is a bit less sure-footed, and it made me want to see some of her earlier documentary work to see what she can do when she's not shackled to three acts. This is only the second of her films that's been released in the UK, though - it'll be a long time until we get a proper retrospective.
★★★★½ review by dirtylaundri on Letterboxd
Although I like most of Kawase's work, I was surprised by how touching this is. The emotional exhibitionism that tainted some of her previous narrative films (although it works beautifully in the documentaries) is replaced by a much more detached sentimentality that might feel more conventional but is always rooted in poignant, expressive gestures. She even keeps her inner Malick in check this time, for the most part. Only in the end the lens flares take over. But that's ok, too, a Kawase film just needs a bit of bad taste.
★★★★★ review by Yuniar on Letterboxd
I watched this with very high anticipation because of my friend's review which said it was so tremendously astonishing. And the movie was indeed. It's not gripping but definitely become my favourite. It's calm, a slow paced yet so amazing and heart whelming. Kiki Kirin carried the show, and also the one played Sentarou. I really don't understand why this kind of movie is not popular though the movie is a kind of inspiring one whom reality is so much reflected upon. The story tells about life, as what is important that matters is, it's so good delivered. I could say this is truly an inspiring, the one you can reflect upon.
The first scene, I get surrounded by a well-done camera work of beautiful sakura bloomed in that season. I like this scene so much, then we saw a grandmother who age is 76 years old wanting to work. It wasn't easy for her and also for the one that would hire her. To think that such humanity exists in this world full of prejudice, I just was in awe. Highly Recommended.
★★★★½ review by Chris Hormann on Letterboxd
The gentlest of stories which manages still to make a plea for acceptance and understanding. It features a remarkable central performance by Kirin Kiki as a senior citizen, looking for a place in the world, and she comes armed with a recipe for red bean paste. Yet despite this gift, she finds herself a victim of prejudice as long-kept secrets are revealed.
There is so much to like in his film and it unravels at a leisurely pace - like the making of the red bean paste, patience will be rewarded and not everything ends as expected. A wonderful little film, poised and in its own way, quietly powerful.
★★★★ review by Enfant du Siècle on Letterboxd
Naomi Kawase's An, possibly her most accessible film, is a subtle study on solitude and compassion, but also a story about finding joy in the simple things of everyday life and freedom within yourself. Beautifully shot and with strong performances, lead by another outstanding turn by veteran Kirin Kiki, An is a delicate treat.
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