The Stranger

A supernatural thriller, laced by flashbacks, and set in Canada’s North-West, “The Stranger” turns on the mysterious titular figure of Martin, who comes to a small quiet town seeking to kill his wife Ana who suffers from a very dangerous decease that makes her addicted to human blood - just like himself-. However, when he arrives to the town, he discovers that Ana has been dead for a couple of years and decides to commit suicide to definitely eradicate this dangerous decease, but, before he can do it, Martin's brutally attacked by three local thugs led by Caleb, the son of a corrupt police lieutenant, and the incident suddenly starts a snowball that will plunge the community into a bloodbath.


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  • ★★★½ review by Cryptus on Letterboxd

    This isn't about the thing where you sit on your hand like I thought, but I'll take a competently crafted vampire story all the same.

  • ★★★½ review by Steven Millan on Letterboxd

    Eli Roth co-produced(along with his AFTERSHOCK/GREEN INFERNO collaborator Nicolas Lopez) this U.S./Chilean human vampire outing that is a lot better than most contemporary modern horror films,as it depicts a human vampire(Cristobal Tapia-Monit) who arrives in a small South American town to search for his fellow vampire wife(Lorenza Izzo[alias Mrs. Eli Roth]),only to learn that she has died and he soon become the reluctant protector of a teenage tagger(Nicolas Duran) who rescues him from a vicious beating by a trio of punks whose leader(Ariel Levy[made up to resemble Keifer Sutherland]) happens to be the son of corrupt police lieutenant Luis Gnecco,who comes after both Duran and Tapia-Monit for revenge when Tapia-Monit fights back against the gang to save Duran and learns that Tapia-Monit's blood has healing powers--with tragic results(as well as a strong thirst for blood). Writer/director Guillermo Amoedo does a splendid job at making this film fully function and work as he gives it an eerie look amid the film's gritty and grisly presence that it carries,as well as everyone in the cast all delivering strong performances that help make this film compelling and believable. Say whatever you want about Eli Roth,for at least he did a superb job in picking this gore splattered gem(which contains elements of DEATHDREAM,NEAR DARK,and DEATH WISH) to co-produce and proudly bring out to share with the rest of the world,showing that Chile(and South America) can bring to the world decent modern horror cinema that can stand up amongst the rest of the world's genre films. With Aaron Burns(THE GREEN INFERNO's doomed [and dissected] Jonah) as a police officer. The Scream Factory DVD/Blu ray is English dubbed(with no Chilean language audio track).

  • ★★★★ review by Armando Sanchez on Letterboxd

    Guillermo Amoedo's THE STRANGER is a bloody, brutal horror extravaganza! One of my heroes, Eli Roth Produced/Presented THE STRANGER, but after witnessing this film I have quickly come to realize filmmaker, Guillermo Amoedo isn't going to need much help getting films made by using another filmmaker's name, as Mr. Amoedo is insanely talented and after viewing THE STRANGER...he's going to be a household name in a few years. THE STRANGER is a horror/mystery/drama about an unknown stranger, who comes into a small town in hopes of finding his long lost love, he comes to find out she has died, as things then spiral out of control for the town, the stranger, and the people that come across him. Why? The stranger is a vampire, who's trying to rid of what he calls "A disease" but things spiral out of control...and I mean THE STRANGER gets insane and amazing! Guillermo Amoedo directs/writes a very dark and very haunting film that turns the Vampire genre upside it's head...big time. I always believed being a vampire would be fun, but after viewing this truly scares me now. I highly recommend THE STRANGER. I will Definetly be keeping a close eye out for Mr. Amoedo, a very gifted filmmaker, who Mr. Roth discovered.

  • ★★★½ review by CM_Hege on Letterboxd

    Dirty and gridy tale about the glamourous life of vampires.

  • ★★★½ review by dshie24601 on Letterboxd

    Good film

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