Directed by Thierry Ragobert
Starring Lúcio Mauro Filho, Isabelle Drummond and Martin Sheen
Amazonia is an adventure in 3D inside the largest rainforest on the planet: the Amazon rainforest. Chestnut is a Capuchin monkey domesticated who survives a plane crash and finds himself alone in the dense forest. The monkey needs to learn to live in freedom, in a new world where animals of all kinds: Jaguars, alligators, snakes, tapirs, hawks. Gradually, Brown learns to live in the forest, making new friends, especially the monkey Gaia, their fellow species.
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★★★★½ review by Jóckisan on Letterboxd
Ele é um filme mudo, mas o objetivo é justamente esse: que seja sem diálogos, para que mostre como é a realidade na Amazônia, a diversidade dos animais, seus movimentos, seus sons. Nesse filme conhecemos a Amazônia como realmente ela é. É um ótimo filme.
Leia a minha resenha completa aqui: quepapoeesse1.blogspot.com/2015/02/resenha-amazonia.html
It is a silent film, but the goal is precisely this: without dialogue, to show how the reality in the Amazon, the diversity of animals, their movements, their sounds. In this movie we know the Amazon as it really is. Is a great movie.
Read my full review here (in portuguese): quepapoeesse1.blogspot.com/2015/02/resenha-amazonia.html
★★★★ review by Kaktus Dete 🐇 on Letterboxd
This was so beautiful to watch. The camera movements, the good quality of sound and especially all that background music was extraordinary relaxing. There were no any narration, but still camera was narrating the whole thing and that was so refreshing. I have seen in this movie so many different creatures which I would probably never seen. I loved this feature.
★★★★½ review by Wayne Little on Letterboxd
March Around The World 2018
Only two words are needed to describe this movie.BRILLIANT
That is all there is to it.
OK well I better elaborate.
First of let me say that the first thing this movie made me think about was The Adventures of Milo and Otis, a movie i have loved since childhood. This movie was shot on the similar idea, letting the animals play out the parts naturally and shooting it in a sort of documentary style.
That is where Amazonia really outshines Milo and Otis however, the cinematography in this was absolutely superb. You can tell those behind the camera really put an effort into getting the best shots they could allowing for some amazing footage, with the variety of animals looking absolutely beautiful.
Where Amazonia misses out though, and the reason I pulled short of giving a perfect score, was the lack of a narrator ala Milo and Otis. I think the added bit of a storyteller just missed that extra little thing to get over that last hurdle and meet the entire audience. Just think of someone like Richard Attenborough or Morgan Freeman telling the monkey's story while we were watching. According to IMDb Martin Sheen does do a narration so one day I may go looking for one of those copies and it may just give it that extra edge it needs. All the same though this is a must watch for the movie is just
★★★★ review by Ian O on Letterboxd
The magic of movies is that they are able to transport you do different times and different places. So why can't that also include the animal kingdom? Here is a movie with no dialogue telling a visual story of a circus monkey making his way in the wild. Its well shot and somewhat well-scored. If you are a lover of wildlife like myself there are lots of animals to check out as you cheer this monkey on.
★★★½ review by Evan Rode on Letterboxd
Pretty scenery, cool animals, and cute monkeys: the movie
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