Directed by Berit Madsen
Starring Sepideh Hooshyar
Sepideh wants to become an astronaut. She spends her nights exploring the secrets of the universe, while her family will do anything to keep her on the ground. The expectations for a young Iranian woman are very different from Sepideh's ambitions, and her plans to go to university are in danger. But Sepideh holds on to her dream! She takes up the fight and teams up with the world's first female space tourist, Anousheh Ansari.
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★★★★ review by Chris Hormann on Letterboxd
I'm not entirely sure how, but this doco had me choked up on two occasions (yes there was grit in my eye), an inspiring story of an Iranian teenager who wishes to break out of the life planned for her and aim for the stars. Accomplished and thought-provoking.
★★★½ review by Nick Vass on Letterboxd
Female suppression in the Middle East is fought by a provincially bright teenage girl. Not a cinematic rarity these days. Even Wadjda reminiscences are immediately speckled. Yet beyond this, and similarly to that coming-of-age Iranian film, is its dispossession of cloying sentiment. Themes of emotional triumph and self-empowerment feel entirely earned here. Mainly because it's all real. Elated feelings in the overcoming of obstacles (and we're talking a full theater being reduced to tears) has our endearing Sepideh being telephoned by her spaceflight hero Anousheh Ansarihas. You see, Sepideh has been interested in astronomy since she was 12. Around the time her father suddenly passed away, she has been spending her nights staring up at the stars. She can name many of them, too. The problem is, where she’s from, girls aren't supposed to go out at night alone. When this intelligent girl gains one step forward to succession, it was impossible for me to hold back. CIFF's crowning "little film that could", again, and arguably ahead of Fantail. I kind of adored this simple but not simplistic beauty.
★★★★½ review by Lee Gaze on Letterboxd
One of the years best so far, for me.
★★★½ review by cinemagazine on Letterboxd
"De passie die Sepideh heeft voor astronomie werkt aanstekelijk, zeker dankzij de prachtig geschoten beelden van het heelal, die een enorm contrast vormen met de degelijke maar vrij saaie schets van het ‘leven van alledag’. Het verhaal van Sepideh mag dan haar persoonlijke relaas zijn, het staat wel symbool voor de verhalen van talloze vrouwen over de hele wereld die moeten wikken en wegen tussen verplichtingen en verwachtingen, wensen en dromen, en alleen daarom al verdient dit verhaal het om verteld te worden."
★★★★½ review by sheryl g on Letterboxd
unbelievably courageous young woman interested in astronomy
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