Peggy Guggenheim: Art Addict
Directed by Lisa Immordino Vreeland
Starring Peggy Guggenheim, Marina Abramović, Arne Glimcher, Robert De Niro and Mercedes Ruehl
Bouncing between Europe and the United States as often as she would between lovers, Peggy Guggenheim’s life was as swirling as the design of her uncle’s museum, and reads more like fiction than any reality imaginable. Peggy Guggenheim – Art Addict offers a rare look into Guggenheim’s world: blending the abstract, the colorful, the surreal and the salacious, to portray a life that was as complex and unpredictable as the artwork Peggy revered and the artists she pushed forward.
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★★★½ review by sebastian_drogo on Letterboxd
La vita straordinaria di Peggy Guggenheim ben raccontata anche se si indulge un po' troppo nei suoi fatti personali.
Sullo schermo scorrono i massimi rappresentanti dell'arte del novecento(Picasso, Ernst, Dali', Duchamp, Pollock...) e una donna volitiva ed eccentrica che ha lasciato ai posteri una collezione d'arte d'avanguardia inestimabile. -
★★★★ review by Daphne on Letterboxd
as an Art History major, this movie was super interesting
I love her
Super honest
Informative -
★★★★ review by Matt Thomas on Letterboxd
A fascinating insight told by the woman herself in archived tapes. Great contributors (including a surprise appearance from Robert De Niro). Peggy seems passionate, articulate, funny and nicely eccentric.
★★★★ review by LWLies on Letterboxd
“Because of her lack of beauty she was never going to make it as a siren,” offers one bitchy (male) commentator when asked what made the late Peggy Guggenheim gravitate towards the accumulation of art. This outrageously entertaining, quick-fire film boasts the rat-a-tat rhythm and the lust for life of a screwball comedy, as it introduces us to a woman who rose above the sneering, and carved out a name for herself as a creative patron, voracious lover and bon vivant...
★★★★★ review by Han on Letterboxd
honestly this documentary makes me excited about life and imo that's my fav type of documentary.
Spoiler: she says that getting old is a horrible thing but there's another documentary called Fabulous Fashionistas and that documentary makes me want to flash through 50 years of my life so I can be a Cool Old Lady, so I'm still excited about life - See all reviews