Another Country
Directed by Molly Reynolds
Starring David Gulpilil
In this documentary companion to CHARLIE'S COUNTRY, Australian actor David Gulpilil tells the story of when his people's way of life was derailed by ours.
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★★★★ review by Michael Scott on Letterboxd
I promised myself while watching Molly Reynolds' documentary, Another Country, that I wasn't going to mention my time living on community. And I won't, except to say that I've banged on about the experience and the issues for over a decade. Now I can just point people in Another Country's direction.
Reynolds give image backing to a searing screed by David Gulpilil on the experience of growing up in the outback, the myth of self-determination and the roots of the issues facing Indigenous Australia, which is to say the issues faced by Australia at large.
Another Country is a straight forward, straight down the line explanation film. It's not so much an accusation as it is a laying down of the facts; the damning conclusions will be self-evident to anyone who sees the film. Cleverly, they've covered every stupid question visitors to community routinely ask without ever making the audience feel stupid. Gulpilil's voice, filled with warmth, delivers the lesson clearly and with liberal helpings of blackfella humour.
Community life 101. Prerequisite viewing for all Australians.
★★★★ review by Dan Slevin on Letterboxd
“Co-written and narrated by the actor and activist David Gulpilil, the film saddens rather than enrages. How is it that a state can even sanction a situation like this, let alone actively sustain it?”
RNZ Widescreen -
★★★★ review by Kevin Matthews on Letterboxd
Directed by Molly Reynolds, this film is anchored by the narration and presence of David Gulpilil, showing the life of the Aborigine people in Australia and how their environments and health have been impacted over the decades by meddling that is sorely misguided, at best, and possibly downright malicious.
★★★½ review by Ewan on Letterboxd
A calmly measured narration by Australian Aboriginal actor and artist David Gulpilil provides the backdrop to this documentary, beautifully filmed, about his remote community, which is largely cut off (like so many such towns) from the rest of (colonial white-settled) Australia. The community faces all kinds of problems, most of them brought on by the historical convenience of its creation, the way different tribes are brought together and then kept down by bureaucracy, chronic underinvestment and policies that can't help but seem racist in origin. Quite what can be done is another thing, but Gulpilil is passionate about holding onto indigenous culture and ways of life, and that comes through clearly.
★★★★ review by reeohhh on Letterboxd
A unique and refreshing documentary about Aboriginals from their perspective, with hints of charm coming from the narrator (who happens to be a famous Aboriginal actor) as well as a very honest take of what life is like for them. Captivating and mostly, important.
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