Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World
Directed by Werner Herzog
Starring Kevin Mitnick, Lucianne Walkowicz, Elon Musk, Lawrence Krauss and Werner Herzog
Werner Herzog's exploration of the Internet and the connected world.
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★★★★ review by Graham Williamson on Letterboxd
Reviewed on Cinema Eclectica.
What could interest Werner Herzog, a man who probably thinks indoor toilets are a newfangled abomination, in the internet? As it turns out, the same things that interest him in everything else; what it says about human nature, what it says about consciousness and the way we perceive the world, and whether or not it can dream. No, really.
★★★★ review by Filmusicinemike on Letterboxd
Thank you Martin Scorsese for Silence, or else Werner Herzog would be my favorite filmmaker right now.Probably the most important documentary I will ever watch, and Herzog's most profound and important documentary.
A film so thick on human nature that it is almost it's own being. People are the worst things in the whole world, we treat each other worse than any species. "Curiosity" is not to blame, people are just sickening. This film is so important. A must see.
★★★★ review by Leticia Fernandes on Letterboxd
Gonna go think about my own mortality and wonder if the internet dreams for like 7 hours now, goodbye.
★★★★½ review by Ash on Letterboxd
This is a really bizarre and heartwarming take on the Internet by the person who is equally best / least suited to the task: Herzog. Likely throughout, you'll be swept up in it's purely singular Herzog-isms, dizzying tangents and side-stories that swiftly shift from devestating to hilarious without warning.
Unforgettable and certainly the best documentary I've seen about the Internet, perhaps among the best ever films about the net full stop. You've got to be willing to take Herzog's unique perspective seriously to fully enjoy the ride.
★★★½ review by Sigfred Storstrand on Letterboxd
The first words ever sent over the internet was the word "lo" you say?
Dude probably just saw the dankest meme and lold so hard he couldnt even manage to finish typing lol.
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