Shadow World
Directed by Johan Grimonprez
Starring Lawrence Wilkerson, Pierre Sprey, David Leigh, Clare Short and Vijay Prashad
Feature documentary that explores the international arms trade, the only business that counts its profits in billions and losses in human lives.
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★★★★★ review by The warriors coney island on Letterboxd
Capitalism: our worst nightmare! -
★★★½ review by cinemagazine on Letterboxd
"Beelden als hamer, om de spijker van de boodschap vast te slaan. Met zoveel visuele vuurkracht dreigt het Stockholmsyndroom de kop op te steken bij de kijker. Grimonprez zoekt diens overtuiging en vindt die op eigen kracht, maar laat ook de nuance weg dat een oorlog tegen Saddam nooit zou zijn begonnen zonder 9-11, al weet hij mooi aan te geven dat de wapenindustrie geen moeite heeft met een oorlog extra. "
★★★½ review by Ken Rudolph on Letterboxd
This is a powerful, dense, often poetic, always violent and controversial polemic documentary about the corruption of perpetual wars in the 20th and 21st centuries. The film indicts the arm industries, which are shown to be gigantic bribery machines which pollute the political powers, in particular in Britain and the U.S. The film graphically presents with harrowing visuals the current morass of drone strikes and terrorism in the Middle East with unremitting horror. Nobody comes off well in this film, including the film makers, who perhaps go too far to indict every side and every politician in this "shadow world" of wars and corruption.
★★★★ review by serge coopman on Letterboxd
A cynical look at the top layer of our society. Those who have well recollected in this matter there is little news under the sun. The corrupt malicious arms traders with our world's top politicians create a society based on fear, violence, power and dirty money. Here again neatly explained the mat as the only downside is the sometimes pushy rhetoric. All in all a modern classic.
★★★★½ review by gtdmouse on Letterboxd
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