Citizen Koch
Directed by Carl Deal and Tia Lessin
Wisconsin - birthplace of the Republican Party, government unions, cheeseheads and Paul Ryan - becomes a test market in the campaign to buy Democracy, and ground zero in the battle for the future of the GOP.
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★★★½ review by Daniel Kibbe on Letterboxd
The latest in the string of liberal comments on the conservative agenda is one of the most compelling, well-made, and even-handed ones out there. Unlike films like Michael Moore's, Citizen Koch is often sympathetic to members of the opposing party, and leveling what attacks it does have towards the tea party radicals.
A very disheartening film about the corporate funding that drives the conservative agenda, and that disregards the majority of citizens.
The political state of this country is hopeless.
★★★½ review by JulieC on Letterboxd
Corrupt politicians? Yup!
★★★½ review by Dan on Letterboxd
Don't forget the tea for the party.
★★★★ review by Ken Rudolph on Letterboxd
In 2010, according to the smoking gun that this fascinating documentary presents, the corrupt five man majority of the United States Supreme Court made new law with the Citizen's United decision which effectively gave corporations more privileges than persons or unions when it came to contributing to political campaigns. Money talks.
The eponymous Koch brothers, rapacious billionaires who, from the perspective of this film, reportedly seek control of the U.S. government in furtherance of their greedy agenda, have poured millions to form and bankroll the Tea Party and particularly to support the union-busting, pro-business administration of Scott Walker, governor of Wisconsin, who survived a recent recall election. Walker outspent the opposition 20 to 1. Money sure talked there.
Pulling no punches, this is one muckraking documentary with a leftist agenda that states its case brilliantly, and with which I can wholeheartedly agree. That doesn't make it a perfect film. It is probably just going to preach to the converted, since pressure from the Kochs and their $20 million a year contributions kept this film from being shown on PBS as originally planned. The voters still aid and abet these modern robber barons against their own self-interest. Yes, money does talk volumes. And this well-written documentary shows how.
★★★½ review by davidehrlich on Letterboxd
A spirited, convincing, and eminently watchable bit of agitprop edutainment, Citizen Koch, directed by Carl Deal and Tia Lessin, is the latest liberal riposte to the conservative agenda. It’s one of the most persuasive and levelheaded examples of such. On a cinematic level, it’s also just another in the mandatory but endless stream of functional documentaries that vilify the right out of a desire for justice often eclipsed by a much greater desire for catharsis.
READ THE FULL REVIEW ON THE A.V. CLUB: www.avclub.com/review/agitprop-docs-go-citizen-koch-both-passionate-and--205275
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