Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer
Directed by Mike Lerner and Maxim Pozdorovkin
Starring Mariya Alyokhina, Ekaterina Samutsevich, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Andrey Tolokonnikov and Yekaterina Samutsevich
In the winter of 2011, after a controversial election, Vladimir Putin was reinstalled as president of Russia. In response, hundreds of thousands of citizens rose up all over the country to challenge the legitimacy of Putin’s rule. Among them were a group of young, radical-feminist punk rockers, better known as Pussy Riot. Wearing colored balaclavas, tights, and summer dresses, they entered Moscow’s most venerated cathedral and dared to sing “Mother Mary, Banish Putin!” Now they have become victims of a “show” trial.
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★★★½ review by Jeff on Letterboxd
I didn't really follow the Pussy Riot trial as it was going on, but hearing "feminist punk band arrested" does cause a pretty deep-seated Pavlovian response to kick in for me. So I don't regret my "Free Pussy Riot" tattoo because what was I doing with the upper-half of my back anyway?
Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer is a not very good documentary about a fairly interesting subject. I really appreciate what Pussy Riot was doing, but the film ultimately left me divided.
Look, I have no doubt that Putin is a total d-bag, and being arrested and jailed for years for playing some crappy punk music in a church is stupid. But I can understand why the Russian government is a little touchy when it comes to relations with the church after Bolshevikism. Plus, the film goes out of its way to make anyone affiliated with the church look like a raving lunatic.
As for the members of Pussy Riot, I got nothing. They seem fairly smart but not all that interesting. Nadia, the apparent leader of the group, had a happy childhood until . . . her parents got divorced. Whoopee. Then she got into really aggressive "protest" performance art. Yippee. She also seems like she might be a sociopath. Hooray.
A big chunk of the film is just footage of the trial and, while what's going on is pretty fascinating, it is not a lot fun to look at.
Despite all my complaints I still enjoyed the film alright, mostly because I'm into feminist protest punk and other things that are no longer cool. But I would have a hard time recommending it to anyone who wasn't interested in the subject.
★★★½ review by WolfBoy on Letterboxd
An informative and sometimes uplifting look into the Pussy Riot case and the heavy religious oppression of Russia's government. I only followed this case loosely when it was happening in the public eye, i imagine there isn't much new here for people that have all the details already, but for me, there was enough new information i was unaware of to make it worth a watch.
★★★★ review by emma renton on Letterboxd
PETITION TO MAKE THIS INTO A SUPERHERO FILM!!!!! omg these girls are my new heroes💖
★★★½ review by Grimbo on Letterboxd
Crazy Russian Punk band Pussy Riot storm a church and play a song on the altar and infuriate a country and get put in jail for their troubles.
What seems like a harmless publicity stunt actually has people up in arms and demanding harsh punishment for the girls and again religious people look like stone age arse holes!
Very interesting doc!
★★★★★ review by Ciara O on Letterboxd
k i'm breaking my rule already but 51 seconds in, and I already love this
i'm also drunk
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