Directed by Greg Whiteley
Starring Mitt Romney
A filmmaker is granted unprecedented access to a political candidate and his family as he runs for President.
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★★★★ review by FilmApe on Letterboxd
While the film is strictly limited to the Romney family's experience on the campaign trail, which results in a bit of a limited portrait of the man Mitt, this behind the scenes look is still very interesting and intimate. Also, there is a moment where Tagg "Don't Call Me Tugg" Romney is slapped in the face a couple of times by one of his brothers Jackass style, which is a enough reason to give the film a watch. Well, I'm not sure if it is Tagg, given the fact that all the brothers look the same, but I assure you that one of the brothers gets slapped.
★★★½ review by GMan on Letterboxd
An intriguing look at Mitt Romney's campaigning efforts starting from his decision to run during the 2008 election, all the way through the 2012 election. It is unclear to me whether or not Netflix had planned so far in advance for this documentary or if they utilized footage from other sources (guessing the former based on quality of the shots), but either way, they do a nice job of following the campaign and capturing the insight into what's going through the minds of the candidate, as well as their family's and team's.
The selected footage, upon the many hours I'm sure they had to choose from, provides candid reactions and opinions I had never really been exposed to (granted I don't closely follow politics). Regardless of your political beliefs, this documentary presents a nice overview of the campaign process for the individual running, as well as those close to them (could have worked just as well with a Democratic candidate). Would have liked to have perhaps seen 10-15 extra minutes of footage to cover some other minor topics (e.g. the Secret Service, meeting with the team to plan for debates), but it ultimately didn't affect my ability to enjoy this. Recommend giving this one a watch if you're even mildly interested in politics and/or the learning more about the election process.
★★★½ review by Marty McKee on Letterboxd
Often fascinating documentary following former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney on his unsuccessful 2008 primary bid for president and his unsuccessful 2012 campaign against incumbent Barack Obama. The great irony of MITT, which Netflix released after the election, is that it humanizes him to an extent that voters never saw during his campaign. While Romney was criticized for being robotic and a flip-flopper, director Greg Whiteley (like Romney, a Mormon) shows him as a loving family man with a self-deprecating sense of humor that was unseen on the public campaign trail. The son of a Michigan governor and failed 1968 presidential candidate, Romney gets defensive when discussing his reputation for flip-flopping on issues and flummoxed when Florida governor Charlie Crist endorsed rival candidate John McCain just before the Florida primary. Whiteley’s non-partisan approach means MITT ignores the wackos who ran against Romney for the 2012 Republican nomination, Clint Eastwood’s conversation with a chair at the Republican National Convention, the misreading or disbelief of polling that consistently showed Obama in the lead, Romney’s abandonment of Romneycare, and the aftermath of his notorious 47% speech. But the film, to its credit, isn’t interested in exploring political issues, but the man himself. Mitt Romney wouldn’t have been a good president, but MITT makes the case that he was a better man than he allowed himself to show in public.
★★★½ review by Boy Roarbison [fka Nag Champion] on Letterboxd
Rather inoffensive and completely bipartisan look at Mitt Romney's two separate unsuccessful presidential campaigns and what went on behind the scenes during those roughly 8 years. We get a glimpse at Mitt's family, particularly his wife Anne [who comes off looking like a damn saint], and the toll his campaigns have taken on them. In the end, we are left with the sense that Mitt is a genuinely good guy, a shrewd politician, and probably completely out of touch with what real every-day American life is like.
★★★★ review by Jonathan Godfrey on Letterboxd
a very good documentary which shows the emotions and the unimaginable stress a presidental candidate has to go through, throughout the process of a general election.
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