Hot Girls Wanted
Directed by Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus
Starring Rachel Bernard, Belle Knox, Tressa Silguero, Kendall Plemons and Ava Taylor
A first-ever look at the realities of the professional “amateur” porn world and the steady stream of 18-to-19-year old girls entering into it.
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★★★½ review by Waldo on Letterboxd
Amateur porn girls and their pimp Riley. Damn, really was an eye opener for me. All the girls come across very differently than what I thought they would be. Some come across as stupid, naive, vulnerable, intelligent, I mean one was reading Frank Mcourt's second book! Riley was like half a moron, half genius, I mean the guy makes a living at it, so more power to him. I learned what a cream pie was watching this. Shocking at times, the size of the dildos these girls use, the cyst on their genitalia, the facial abuse, gagging, vomiting, I think you need to be tough as hell to do some of that porn that's popular now. There's some false bravado involved but, what you gonna do? It's nothing new, there's been different exposes on porn before, the instant access of the Internet is what's new here. It always involve one of them breaking down and sometimes is hard for me to sympathize with this selfie generation but some of this new porn, it's hard not to care about the girls involved.
★★★½ review by The Spork Guy on Letterboxd
Out of all the documentaries made to instill fear in someone as it's ability to persuade, only a select few of those will actually be terrifying. Hot Girls Wanted, was borderline terrifying and all around disgusting. The truth of how newly recruited porn stars begin their extremely short lived careers, hide everything from their families, don't agree to anything before having to do so, and are subjected to fetish shoots without consent were pretty tough to endure at times. It's rare that the feeling of awkwardness can actually transcend that to become full fledged disturbance. Although it focuses only on actresses who are young enough to pull on heartstrings by default, this is over all, a very effective documentary on a few real life former and current industry workers, produced daringly by Rashida Jones.
★★★½ review by vee on Letterboxd
I Don't Trust Men
★★★★ review by s. on Letterboxd
"I think that what I do is an outlet for something that's already there. Supply and demand. That's there because somebody wanted it."
★★★½ review by Juan Bacaro on Letterboxd
Puro seCso.
Y mucha tristeza. - See all reviews