I Smile Back
Directed by Adam Salky
Starring Sarah Silverman, Josh Charles, Thomas Sadoski, Mia Barron and Terry Kinney
Laney is an attractive, intelligent suburban wife and devoted mother of two adorable children. She has the perfect husband who plays basketball with the kids in the driveway, a pristine house, and a shiny SUV for carting the children to their next activity. However, just beneath the façade lie depression and disillusionment that send her careening into a secret world of reckless compulsion. Only very real danger will force her to face the painful root of her destructiveness and its crumbling effect on those she loves.
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★★★★½ review by Matt Thomas on Letterboxd
What a revelation Sarah Silverman is here! I've never seen an emptier performance - and that's meant as a massive compliment.
She totally transforms herself into a shell of a woman. A lost mother. A struggling addict. A disillusioned wife. All elements equally heart-braking and perfectly pitched. And the script gives her the space to create this fractured character. There are no clichéd attempts to resolve anything. You are just left to form your own view on how Laney chooses to live her life, why, and to what end (if any!).
If Jennifer Aniston was considered awards worthy for Cake then Silverman should sweep the boards this year - if enough people find out about this film. I hope they do.
★★★½ review by whatever on Letterboxd
this #relatable movie content was way too rill for me today!!! #actuallyinsane #losingmymind #detestableandwretchedwoman #ilikethattheplotsynopisisthatshe's"depressed"whenit'sobvious #shehasaseriouspersonalitydisorder #anddepressionisonlyasmall(big)partofthat #shouldikeepdoingthisfakehashtagthingonthiswebsitethatdoesnt #dohashtags #ithinkso #yesiwill #imdoingthissoyougiveuponreadingitandicansayanythingiwant #imnotgoingtosayanythingtho #imjusthavingagoodtimenow #imnotimhavingabadtime #IMDONESORRY
★★★★ review by Waldo on Letterboxd
Sarah Silverman is incredible here. She's a soccer mom with everything in her life just right. Big house, kids, hubby. But she also has a destructive side, drugging and screwing. A redemption tale, we've seen this before but Silverman here hits so many raw moments that makes it stand out from similar films. Her performance is like an open wound. Really powerful and affecting.
★★★★ review by Nonomoi Kapone Lennon on Letterboxd
A very realistic film approaching depression.
If you already dealt with this disorder (either with you or with someone you know) you will see how competent this movie is.
The acting of Sarah Silverman is terrific. I can not express enough how her performance is overwhelming.
The character study is really good.
If you appreciate films about mental disorders you shouldn't miss this one in my opinion. -
★★★½ review by Megan_Maggot on Letterboxd
I was in an incredibly good mood, which meant naturally I would want to watch something incredibly depressing.
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