Sam Klemke's Time Machine
Directed by Matthew Bate
Starring Sam Klemke
Sam Klemke has filmed and narrated 50 years of his life, creating a strange and intimate portrait of what it means to be human.
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★★★½ review by Rob Trench on Letterboxd
Boyhood: The Adult Years
★★★★ review by Felix Hubble on Letterboxd
Great collage/capsule of the realities of human life juxtaposed against how we'd like to see ourselves, with an extremely satisfying almost fourth-wall breaking finale. Highlight of A delayed Film Festival, and we'll worth checking out!
★★★★ review by Benjamin Jenks on Letterboxd
What not to do.
★★★★ review by jerry hudson on Letterboxd
interesting and fun. see life play through. sam such schlub we all can feel better about our lives while we watch him get larger and older and more despondent. he has creative urge but too lazy to fulfill it.
★★★★ review by Dan Scully on Letterboxd
This movie could change your life. What a uniquely interesting piece of entertainment.
Full review at Cinedelphia: cinedelphia.com/cff-2016-time-machine-review/
As part of the Cinedelphia film festival!
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