Kate Plays Christine
Directed by Robert Greene
Starring Kate Lyn Sheil, Dr. Steven C. Bovio, Stephanie Coatney, Michael Ray Davis and Zachary Gossett
Follow actress Kate Lyn Sheil as she prepares for her next role: playing Christine Chubbuck, a Florida newscaster who committed suicide live on-air in 1974. As Kate investigates Chubbuck’s story, uncovering new clues and information, she becomes increasingly obsessed with her subject.
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★★★★ review by davidehrlich on Letterboxd
[sheepishly looks back at Letterboxd review of CHRISTINE]
★★★½ review by Lucy on Letterboxd
the stress that those last 5 minutes caused me is going to do serious damage to my body in the long run
★★★½ review by Mike D'Angelo on Letterboxd
Can't say anything concrete about this until the premiere, but the reviews coming out of Sundance are gonna be very interesting. Imagine if "Southern Man" and "Sweet Home Alabama" had both first appeared on the same compilation album.
POST-PREMIERE: As I noted on Twitter from Sundance, this film and Antonio Campos' Christine inform each other so beautifully that I feel like a masterpiece could have been achieved had the two approaches been combined conceptually from the outset. As it stands, where Christine won me over in its last few minutes, Kate's bluntly didactic final scene sours what had previously been a thoroughly absorbing portrait of an actor's research process, with ethical concerns that were readily apparent but held mostly in check. Going all Funny Games at the end was unnecessary, and while I guess one could argue that it (like virtually everything else in the film) is performative, and thus not necessarily to be accepted at face value, there's a point at which that worldview becomes a black hole. As an actual documentary, though, I really dug this.
★★★½ review by willa on Letterboxd
that wig that fell off in the ocean? it was mine while watching this
★★★½ review by Allison M. on Letterboxd
Kate Lyn Sheil plays Christine Chubbuck, the on-air reporter who inspired one of my favorite films, Network. The problem I have with Christine Chubbuck and any film about her (including Christine starring Rebecca Hall) is that it's just so disturbing. Yes, it's fascinating. I read about her and revisited the material when I saw Christine. My verdict was that Rebecca Hall was amazing, but I could never see it again. Yet here I am again revisiting this material. Sheil plays an actress/detective trying to get at the heart of who Christine was. She does a great job. It's too bad Christine's depression wasn't treated. She seems like she was an amazing person.
Saw it on MUBI. It seems some programmer over there is obsessed with her, because they are also streaming A Wonderful Cloud. I liked her in Brigsby Bear, so will probably check her out.
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