Yoga Hosers
Directed by Kevin Smith
Starring Johnny Depp, Génesis Rodríguez, Haley Joel Osment, Austin Butler and Kevin Smith
Two teenage yoga enthusiasts team up with a legendary man-hunter to battle with an ancient evil presence that is threatening their major party plans.
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★★★½ review by beca on Letterboxd
Spooktober 2016 || [7/???]
This got some bad reviews but I really loved it. There were some obnoxious dialogue choices (I never need to hear the word "basic" again) and the nazi subplot was wholly unnecessary, but a lot of the stuff that was funny was genuinely hilarious. So much so that if it hadn't been for the nazi elements I would probably be giving this 4.5 stars.
I'm so glad that these girls are coming back for Moose Jaws. They were one of the best parts of Tusk and I'm glad they're going to be in the whole trilogy.
I'm more than a little upset that Justin Long was in this and NOT as a walrus man though. To put him in the cast as another character after establishing that the film is post-Tusk is just......wrong.
★★★★★ review by Melody on Letterboxd
Watching it again (finally!) with some different people none of whom listen to the podcasts etc at all I was even more aware of how dangerously in-jokey it is, but I was also infinitely more aware of the other reasons I loved it so much too. It's a movie that just screams so loudly that these dumbest of young girls might actually be able to do something of value in the world, and that to me as a pretty dumb "young" girl myself deep down is huge; and that final act after hearing Kevin Smith's explanation played really different for me too this time (to be honest I was probably half cut by that point when I saw it in London lol).
★★★★★ review by Taylor W on Letterboxd
here is the deal, as with any other Kevin Smith movie -
either you like him or you don't. I happen to think he is hilarious.Two teen high-school girls end up having to fight off Bratzis
(Nazi Bratwursts) that are trying to take over the world, all while struggling with parents about parties and boysyes that really the plot, yes it isn't supposed to be made for the Oscars.
I caught it on Netflix, and would suggest the same. worth seeing especially if you have seen Walrus or really any of Smiths other movies.
★★★★ review by andy on Letterboxd
i should rewatch this because i was like so out of it while watching this and like i do not remember anything besides really really liking the way they introduced characters and apparently the two main girls had the same name and i didn't realize it, that's how zonked out i was. i had fun though i guess i was dying but i had fun
★★★½ review by Josh Stewart on Letterboxd
I'm not sure what movie people were expecting when they went into this, but I got exactly what was advertised: a dopey b-movie for teens. It's stupid, but it's earnest and cute and the girls are great. I also remain a fan of Guy LaPointe. As someone who can also do a shitload of impressions though, Ralph Garman's role was completely, embarassingly self-serving and I absolutely didn't see the point besides him trying to show how talented he thinks he is.
Also no Canadian I know says "aboot". It sounds more like "aboat"
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