Directed by Athina Rachel Tsangari
Starring Yorgos Kentros, Panos Koronis, Vangelis Mourikis, Yorgos Pirpassopoulos and Sakis Rouvas
In the middle of the Aegean Sea, six men on a fishing trip on a luxury yacht decide to play a game. During this game, things will be compared. Things will be measured. Songs will be butchered, and blood will be tested. Friends will become rivals and rivals will become hungry. But at the end of the journey, when the game is over, the man who wins will be the best man. And he will wear on his smallest finger the victory ring: the Chevalier.
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★★★★ review by Felix Hubble on Letterboxd
Festival highlight so far - super funny riff on toxic masculinity that doesn't revolve around assault/misogyny and instead focuses on the dumb and the petty. Highly recommend this.
★★★½ review by ZlatkoGR on Letterboxd
ήρθαν τα βότσαλα, έφυγαν τα βότσαλα. θα έρθουν άλλα βότσαλα. σε ανύποπτο χρόνο
★★★★ review by FilmApe on Letterboxd
"Take back, right now, that if I were a fruit, I'd be a pineapple. Take it back now."
As dry as I've come to expect from modern Greek comedies, and the who is the "best in general" premise plays out very realistically, but there are still some extremely humorous moments, and I found it to be quite relatable. There's an expectation that things are going to really escalate by the end, and the film is completely aware of that, as there is a scene in the end that is basically making fun of the audience for expecting things to really get crazy. It's pretty easy to see how a North American remake would get really stupid with the concept here, and I am certainly glad that things stay more grounded and realistic.
★★★½ review by Keith Garrett on Letterboxd
Lol @ fragile masculinity
★★★★ review by manilazic on Letterboxd
Holidays can become boring. When you run out of silly games to play, you may have to raise the stakes to keep everyone entertained. This is how a gang of male friends cruising along the Greek coast in Chevalier comes to compete for the title of ‘best man.’ Every interaction becomes an act and a test, with notes taken and a mysterious rating system implemented. Director Athina Rachel Tsangari (Attenberg) also shows each participant in more intimate moments where doubts surface, revealing the difficulty of maintaining ideals of masculinity which no one can actually define. As they grow increasingly determined to win the competition, these complex characters concoct ever more absurd exercises, which prove dryly amusing but also surprisingly moving in their audacity and courage.
From my TIFF15 coverage for Film4: blog.film4.com/author/manuelalazicfilm4/
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