In Pursuit of Silence
Directed by Patrick Shen
IN PURSUIT OF SILENCE is a meditative exploration of silence and the impact of noise on our
lives. The film takes us on an immersive cinematic journey around the globe—from a traditional
tea ceremony in Kyoto, to the streets of Mumbai, the loudest city on the planet—and inspires us
to both experience silence and celebrate the wonders of our world.
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★★★★½ review by jokainii on Letterboxd
An incredible documentary that not only tells us why silence, solitude, introspection, and reflection are important parts of being a human, but also shows it as well with small vignettes of natural silence in which the audience can do nothing but sit and reflect. Was especially effective being seen on the big screen in a packed auditorium of people all just sitting and listening to the silence.
A possibly life-changing film. Taking personal time away from the noise in life to think and reflect is something I've been told many times and many ways, and something I understood on a general level for a long time, but something I've never made time for. After this film that will most likely change.
★★★★ review by wackystuff on Letterboxd
Slow down, you're moving too fast.
A very well done documentary on a fascinating topic. -
★★★½ review by Claudine on Letterboxd
I've been struggling with a lot of noise in my life recently that stumbling upon this film has been a blessing to me. I cried in a lot of parts; the filmed silences helped me recall what true silence is.
From where I live, silence is scarce. So this film is my handy-dandy access to (simulated) silence, with nuggets of wisdom to boot.
Of course, it bears emphasizing that for a film about the value of silence, sound design is ace. John Cage would be proud.
★★★★ review by MDF on Letterboxd
A truly wonderful look at noise, sound, and silence. A rare film that makes me look, and listen, to the world in a slightly different way. However I have two major issues with this film. Firstly, why the hell is there a score? Secondly, the documentary is pretty much absent of smiles. From monks, to John Cage, to other artists, scientists, thinkers, and journeymen. How can so many seekers of silence appear so banal and unhappy? Surely silence can bring a smile? Surely that’s okay in this pursuit?
★★★★½ review by BTU on Letterboxd
Very impactful. A needed film. Made me so thankful for the forest close to my house and my need for more silence. I down loaded an decible app for my phone to help me pay more attention to the wash of sound that I often live, unaware of it's impact on my life, body and soul.
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