Punching Henry
Directed by Gregori Viens
Starring Henry Phillips, J.K. Simmons, Sarah Silverman, Mike Judge and Michaela Watkins
Comedian Henry Phillips is lured to LA by a renowned TV producer who wants to bring his story of failure to the screen. But when a major network gets involved, Henry must decide whether he wants to make jokes for a living, or be the butt of them.
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★★★★ review by Wood on Letterboxd
CIFF #15
Probably the funniest film of the year, Henry Phillips is so genuinely hilarious he really shines through in this format. Lot of good comedian cameos Jim Jeffries, Doug Stanhope, Sarah Silverman, Tig Nataro and top it off with the great JK Simmons.
★★★★ review by cadkins on Letterboxd
Almost identical to Punching the Clown in tone, structure, and quality. Which isn't a bad thing.
★★★★ review by Frazzleg123 on Letterboxd
I can feel his pain when it comes to elevators!
★★★½ review by Greg Andersson on Letterboxd
If you're not watching Henry Phillips' YouTube series Henry's Kitchen, you're doing yourselves a disservice. His deadpan, self-deprecating humor and gravelly voice are a great combo and it carries over into this film. Following the underseen Punching the Clown, this sequel dishes a more of the same with better production value: Henry Phillips playing a fictionalized version of himself, a sad sack with bad luck trying to land a TV deal. It's a thin narrative, mostly just vignettes loosely strung together. And while the laughs aren't robust, there's a lot of heart and Phillips is a joy to watch.
I mean, just look at this: Henry's Kitchen 8 - Family Style Baked Spaghetti
★★★★ review by Bilbo Ballin' on Letterboxd
Henry Phillips is the funniest dude you've never heard of. An apt sequel to Punching the Clown.
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