Behind the Curtain: Todrick Hall
Directed by Katherine Fairfax Wright
Starring Todrick Hall
Known for his campy, totally funky music videos, Todrick Hall—a vibrant, lovable, and fabulously gay artist bursting with creative energy—takes you behind the scenes as he launches his most ambitious project to date: the original stage musical "Straight Outta Oz."
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★★★★ review by Zheddy on Letterboxd
Joseph Gordon-Levitt was name dropped several times but never actually appeared. If that was to bait me into watching Todrick's videos online it definitely worked.
★★★★½ review by abby on Letterboxd
I can't even fall asleep at the same time for four weeks much less write/direct/costume/tour an entire visual album from start to finish so.... we STAN
★★★½ review by Cayls on Letterboxd
LGBTQ+ Pride Film Challenge (14/?)
14. a Biographical Documentary
This is the second film, within past two days, that I have went into it expecting a lot of good laughs and some solid LGBT discussion. Instead what I got was a lot of laughs, some in depth LGBT discussion and a gripping dissection of the period we are currently in. Todrick Hall, within this film that is set up to be a documentation of his visual album and tour called Behind the Curtain, dives into deep topics such a homophobia, perceptions of masculinity, police brutality and public shootings.
Our first act is constructed like any other tour documentary, it sets up our star and establishes their personal journey to get to the place they now are. Todrick's history is established, his struggles finding representation as a young gay black man, his journey as a new media artists is illuminated and we get an insight into the hardworking performer he is.
However it is very quickly realized that this documentary has an added weight to it. As Todrick was constructing his visual album in June 2016, which was the month when both the Christina Grimmie and Pulse nightclub shooting occurred. These events mean that the director and Todrick are in the unique and unfortunate position were they can formulate document and respond to these tragic events. This is difficult ground to tread on as a documenteur as it could easily come across as disingenuous or it could detract from the main purpose of the film: to document Todrick's creation of his album and tour. Director Katherine Fairfax Wright manages to document the response to these events and tie them into Todrick's message, broadly due to the fact that Todrick's tour is socially aware and revolts against violence.
Behind the Curtain is a great documentation of Todrick Hall's life and the ethos he spreads to his fan. He is a great icon for the young LGBT generation and we could all learn from his music.
★★★★★ review by gamorax on Letterboxd
Such a touching documentary, Todrick works so hard.
★★★★ review by delphine on Letterboxd
todrick hall for president
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