Going to Brazil
Directed by Patrick Mille
Starring Vanessa Guide, Alison Wheeler, Margot Bancilhon, Philippine Stindel and Patrick Mille
Four childhood friends are reunited at a wedding in Rio. But when they accidentally kill a young man during a party that gets out of hand, they are forced to flee the city in a crazy adventure.
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★★★½ review by J.P. Vitale on Letterboxd
Another female-driven take on "Very Bad Things" though this French production is a wee bit more serious (not to mention, light years better) than the atrocious "Rough Night". It's also very french and feels much more human.
I liked the characters in this, especially Lily and it was definitely much more of it's own thing than "Rough Night" was. That was just a lousy "Very Bad Things" clone!
This was actually a pretty solid, breezy watch.
★★★½ review by morpheus20 on Letterboxd
Ein schön skurille französische schwarze Komödie aus Frankreich gab es zum Ende des Tages. Drei Freundinnen werden zur Hochzeit einer Freundin nach Brasilien eingeladen, wo eine von ihnen in der ersten Nacht auf einer Party in Notwehr der notgeilen Bräutigam umbringt. Daraufhin nimmt das Unheil seinen Lauf. Sehr nett.
★★★½ review by PaulSchal on Letterboxd
The first half is 4 stars
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