Directed by Ceylan Ozgun Ozcelik
Starring Algı Eke, Taner Birsel, Özgür Çevik, Nazan Kesal and Asiye Dinçsoy
Hasret has been seeing the same nightmare for some time, but she keeps living unaware that what she sees is actually remembering. A 30-year-old woman who works in a News Channel, living alone in the flat left by her musician parents who died in a car crash twenty years ago. Is it? The question creeps into her mind, and then (or maybe even before) her life through recurring nightmares: Is it possible that her parents did not die in a car crash?
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★★★½ review by parnissia on Letterboxd
I really loved this film: female director, topical subject matter (freedom of speech, truthful reporting and distortion of the news by the government) and excellent cinematography, however the English subtitle translation was so poor it hampered my enjoyment (and even understanding) of the film. I think running the screenplay through Google Translate would have yielded a better result, to be honest. I am no stranger to foreign films - I watch on average 40 foreign films per year and speak several languages. This is the worst translation of a film I've seen in my time. Whoever was responsible for translating and captioning this film really did it a disservice. In addition to very poor grammatical errors (example: "Hundreds of Death" instead of "Hundreds Dead" or "Hundreds of Deaths;" "I and Hasret" instead of "Hasret and I;" "I have fever?" instead of "Do I have a fever?") the pacing of the subtitles was sloppy. There were moments in the film where several people were arguing and instead of captioning and condensing the salient bits there was an effort to capture everything, and as a result it was a flurry of high speed text on the screen that no one in the audience was able to read or understand in time. When the explanatory screen finally comes up at the end of the film you start to have an inkling of what this movie is about - might have been better placed at the intro to give some context for those of us who don't closely follow Turkish news and politics. Please retranslate, localize and redistribute - it would be a pity if this film didn't reach a wider audience.
★★★★ review by Mark Gubarenko on Letterboxd
Странно, но почему-то плохо оцененный тут турецкий психологический триллер. Ну и еще тут все турки с такими приятными европейскими лицами. Снято хорошо, написано неплохо (довольно косячные субтитры в моей копии), шикарный саудтрек (как в it follows). Наверное лучшая подача фильма про свободу слова в турции. Неожиданно.
★★★½ review by Eren Odabasi on Letterboxd
An atmospheric, powerful psychological thriller about the lack of freedom of speech in Turkey, the limits of personal and public memory, and the difficulty of facing past traumas. It loses its narrative momentum and gets a little repetitive in the last quarter. Otherwise, a solid debut film.
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