The Show
Directed by Giancarlo Esposito
Starring Josh Duhamel, Famke Janssen, Giancarlo Esposito, Sarah Wayne Callies and Caitlin Fitzgerald
An unsettling look at reality television, where a disturbing game show has its contestants ending their lives for the public's enjoyment.
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★★★½ review by Gazelle Garcia on Letterboxd
A brutal satirical drama, reminding us the shared responsible we have as an audience; that our curiosity and desire for public misery has shaped reality television.
At the end of the film Josh Duhamel came on stage and asked the theater "Who's feeling uplifted?" The response was uncomfortable laughter.
In the beginning This is Your Death hasn't become a concept for a show yet, but the events that spark the idea are tragic yet also lend for some very humorous commentary. As we meet other characters struggling with issues separate from that of the television studio in hot water, it's clear what direction we're going in but be warned that things get much darker than you would expect. My laughter turned into wide mouth gaping, later evolving into sobbing. I'm very sure that was their intention, so job well done.
★★★½ review by Jacob Knight on Letterboxd
The latest entry into Wokesploitation. Somewhat inept as a film, but totally potent as trashy, melodramatic exploitation about exploitation. The type of lurid weirdness Larry Cohen would've churned out, had reality TV been a thing when he was on a tear with his cheapies.
★★★★ review by J.P. Vitale on Letterboxd
Aka. "The Show", this is a movie directed by the great actor Giancarlo Esposito, who also plays a major role in the movie. It's basically the 2007 Eva Mendes satire "Live!" Played much straighter and more genuine and unfortunately also a tougher sit and fairly heavy-handed.
Don't get me wrong, it's still satirical but a lot less ruthless and toothless than the Eva Mendes film, this feels very heavy-handed at points though I still liked it.
Be warned, though. This was a tough watch!
★★★★ review by Emily Hill on Letterboxd
I read the reviews for this film before watching it and they made me question whether or not to hit play - but I’m so glad I did. No film I have ever watched in my life has ever been dark enough to disturb me and get me thinking so deeply but this film just made me feel all kinds of things. At first the film made little to no sense: the arguments people were making for bringing a show onto TV in which people kill themselves were ridiculous, and none of it made any sense. But then it picked up and it became much more entertaining, and it made me think more than I ever thought a film could. I feel like I have to stop to process what I just saw. I love films that are gruesome, but this was... there isn’t a word strong enough. It just hit me so hard, made me think, and this film will stay with me for a long time. This is the best film I've seen in a while, and the memories of what I saw are probably going to stick with me. This movie is a brilliant example of how power and fame can turn you into an evil person, even if at first your intentions are good...
★★★½ review by Luke Pauli on Letterboxd
Aka (and a superior title) This is your Death.
Reality television is a bottomless sesspool of exploitation and is something that has been explored in cinema since Network. This is your Death, directed by Giancarlo Esposito (Gus from Breaking Bad), is the latest film to hold a judgemental mirror up to our viewing proclivities and reveal the ugly reflection looking back at us. Our insatiable thirst for violence and shock and “reality” produces the kind of trash that’s on our TV daily, and in this film it’s a show where people can commit suicide for the pleasure of a live studio audience. The film is well
Acted, by Esposito, Josh Duhamel as the smarmy host convincing himself that the show has a wider significance beyond macabre exploitation, Sarah Wayne Callies as his appalled sister and the scenario it presents is sadly all too plausible, in a world where unscrupulous executives put profit and ratings ahead of moralistic decency. The film isn’t as sharp or revelatory as it supposes it is, and this is well-trodden ground, but it is still entertaining and sobering stuff, and Esposito proves an impressive director. - See all reviews