Men Who Save The World
Directed by Liew Seng Tat
Starring Wan Hanafi Su, Jalil Hamid, Harun Salim Bachik, Roslan Salleh and Sofi Jikan
The shadow of an African immigrant in an abandoned house was mistaken for a ghost and the hilarious situations that ensued, creating havoc in a quaint Malay village.
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β β β Β½ review by Still Hereπ³οΈβπ on Letterboxd
Perhaps it needs a film from Malaysia to tell it to the whole world. I'm not sure if I've ever seen another film that plays so cleverly with prejudices. By choosing comedy as a genre, Seng Tat Liew explores the situation from a little distance instead of jumping into the fight straight ahead. The amount of outrage that the film has caused in Malaysia definitely speaks for itself. Still I wonder if it really took advantage of its full potential.
β β β Β½ review by Elya on Letterboxd
This was a really good absurdly fun time! I don't know why I sound so surprised!
β β β β β review by Iki Ali on Letterboxd
A very satirical take on Malay superstition, political propaganda and a tinsy bit of Islamic faith through the eyes of a Malaysian Chinese filmmaker.
Parts of it was very Tarantino-esque. Recommended!
β β β Β½ review by phazleeanna on Letterboxd
Angkat rumah.
β β β β β review by Edi on Letterboxd
Iri de blm pernah nemu film komedi qt yg sesimbolis iniDan sumpaa sejak dulu pgn bikin cerita tentang qurban wqwq that umbrella tho ππ
Knp harus ada komedi2 "selamat bangsat" segala si hadeuh
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