Out of Nature
Directed by Ole Giæver
Starring Trond Peter Stamso Munch, Ole Giæver, Marte Magnusdotter Solem, Rebekka Nystabakk and Sivert Giæver Solem
Out of Nature is a journey inside Martins head. A family father in his 30s living in a small town of Norway. He feels alienated in his own life and longs to get away. Away from his job, away from his family, into the woods, up to the mountains. While spending a weekend alone on a hiking trip, he is forced to confront the way he lives his life. Out of Nature is an original, funny and tender film about how to take part in your own life as a husband, father and son.
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★★★★½ review by Peter Rogers on Letterboxd
I big surprise for me, and potentially the stand out film of the Perth Scandi Film Fest. Out of Nature tells the story of a middle aged hiker who up and leaves his mundane family life for the weekend to travel the wilderness.
There isn't really much to the film other than some quirky moments and mostly inner-monologue about trivial day-to-day concerns. It's stand out feature is that it's beautiful, boy is it beautiful to watch.
The humour also works at times, but at others it feels like the comedy is lost in translation. Definitely an odd-ball film for sure, but very enjoyable.
★★★★ review by Carol on Letterboxd
one of the few cases where voiceover narration was good and enjoyable at the same time, the story itself was very nice is just a guy having a crisis and at the end remembering what really matters but it also can touch a lot of people because everyone has problems that for some people are nothing and for us are our whole world crumbling to death
in my next mental breakdown, I'm definitely going to run naked in the forest and bury myself alive too, thanks for the tip
★★★★½ review by Oskars Podāns on Letterboxd
Kavēju seansu 15 minūtes, pie sevis prātoju, cik cilvēku vēlajā svētdienas vakarā atskatīsies, kad lavīšos zālē ieņemt tuvāko durvīm brīvo vietu. Kino Bize ieeju otrajā pagalmā atradu uzreiz, pirmoreiz te, zvans pie durvīm, sveiciens viegli izbrīnītai kinomehāniķei. Esmu vienīgais skatītājs, vārds pa vārdam, nolemjam darbināt projektoru, tam ir jāiesilst. Filmu redzēšu no paša sākuma, par to desmit karmas punkti jaukajai meitenei no "jaukā cilvēka". Tālāk par filmu stāstu negribīgi, jo ir intīmi. Izteikti identificējos ar galveno varoni, reizumis - burtiski, citreiz - ne tik tieši, bet sajūta pāri visam - rok dvēselē. Stāsts nebūt nav par skriešanu, kā pavirši no reklāmas varētu secināt, tas ir par nepieciešamību būt vienatnē ar sevi. Viens vari domāt, bet loģiska spriešana nelīdz jautājumos, kas nomoka varoni - mazliet sportisku ģimenes galvu ar garlaicīgu darbu un šaubām par savām jūtām. Martinam tas izdodas - izslēgt domas un pietuvināties gan primitīvajam, gan eksistenciālajam. Obligāts priekšnosacījums tam ir mežonīga daba, tās te ir pārpārēm. Un noslēdzot vienu spoilerbrīdinājumu - vīrieša krāns tiek atklāti vicināts bieži kā aukstumā sarāvies, tā erekcijas stāvoklī.
★★★½ review by Zane Timonina on Letterboxd
Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while,
Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies..Out of Nature reveals the most beautiful Norwegian landscape, director/writer/actor Ole Giæver running naked through the woods and these chaotic, funny and sometimes pointless thoughts of a human being. I have to say my head often works just like Martin's. That's why the movie feels so real.
★★★★ review by Taylor on Letterboxd
At 80 mins this is short and sweet and the ending is perfect. The protagonist is having the classic male fantasy and reality is there to thwart it. Sometimes voiceover narration can be irritating, expository and over the top. Here, it is well done. Beautiful moments punctuated with awkwardness gives the film its charm.
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