Directed by Tolga Karaçelik
Starring Nadir Sarıbacak, Özgür Emre Yıldırım, Hakan Karsak, Kadir Çermik and Osman Alkaş
After months without pay, the already disgruntled crew on a Turkish cargo ship arrives in an Egyptian port and learns that the Port Authority is foreclosing on them. Ordered to anchor offshore, the remaining skeleton crew has their passports seized and must maintain the vessel until its owner’s debts are paid. Tensions quickly arise between the authoritarian Cypriot captain, his devoutly religious second-in-command, an affable cook, and a trio of newcomers to the ship—a pair of druggie ne’er-do-wells and the near-mute, hulking Kurd. As months pass, food and entertainment dwindle, alliances shift, and the men take out their raw frustration on one another.
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★★★★ review by Estácio Basso on Letterboxd
Seis homens presos em um navio devido a um problema portuário enfrentam o tédio, falta de comida, convivência entre si e a falta de sanidade.
É uma obra de um poder técnico elevado. Os movimentos da câmera são lindos, os personagens são densos, as atuações impressionam. O modo como o thriller toma grandeza de maneira cadenciada demonstra um controle tremendo.
É arte, é cinema!
★★★★ review by Wagner Demetrius on Letterboxd
Domínio absurdo de cena e boas atuações. Em particular, gosto de como o diretor é versátil: já nos créditos iniciais "rompe" a 4ª barreira, adiante flerta com a crítica social, o humor, o horror psicológico e segue construindo uma tensão cuidadosa, onde cada um dos 6 protagonistas tem sua vez. E como se não bastasse, ainda propõe alegorias que nunca soam gratuitas.
“Rinna nay, rinnan rinna nay”
(Agora vou ficar com essa música na cabeça o dia todo).
★★★½ review by Rick Dabagian on Letterboxd
First TIFF 2015 watch!
Chosen because Gökhan Tiryaki is the cinematographer, aka who is that, aka Nuri Bilge Ceylan's cinematographer.
Don't let that horrible poster here and on imdb fool you, Ivy is a well made and solid film (the poster has been updated, finally). The majority of the film takes place on a cargo ship, and we set off with three new crew members. Problems arise, the crew isn't getting paid, and the owner is MIA. They are forced to anchor just off port, and wait. As weeks go by, the crew becomes restless and manic.
Most of the film is a slow burner. Director Tolga Karaçelik is no Ceylan, but his talents shine through at a few points in the film. I'd like to watch the opening again after seeing the film, and there's a nice short montage near the beginning of the film as well. Some of it comes off as trying a little too hard, but nothing major. The last act starts to teeter off the rails but it wraps up quickly enough, and I liked the ending.
It doesn't seem like this film will hit many theaters, and while it's not a great film, it's worth seeing.
★★★★ review by tvtkv on Letterboxd
Selamun aleyküm ben kürt.
Tolga Karacelik filmin kolaylıkla dusebilecegi acmazlardan çok zekice sıyrılmış bence. Bunların birincisi karakterlerle bir panaroma kurarken girift bir ton tutturmayı başarması. Film salt bir temsil, bir eslestirmeye donusseydi şu anki halinden çok daha kaba ve zevksiz bir iş ortaya çıkardı kesinlikle. İkincisi ise Türkiye sinemasının kült eserlerinden Gemide'yi hatirlatmamasi, bazı benzerliklerine karşın bambaşka bir tonda olması. İyi diyalog yazımı, bol küfür, Gemide'nin ünlü "bir memleket gibidir gemi" repligine rağmen bunu yapmak çok büyük iş.
Gerçekten çok başarılı oyunculuklar -herkes haklı olarak Nadir Saribacaktan bahsetmiş ama Osman Alkaş da çok iyi oynamiş-, müzik kullanımı, görsel dili, coleridge alıntıları çok iyi film cok
★★★★★ review by ristubasan on Letterboxd
Loved this. It's not unfamiliar territory (men trapped on a ship, turning on each other, ramping up the tension). But it is executed with panache, the acting's good, the characters are credible if archetypal, the behaviors all credible and misunderstandings completely believable.
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