Man Down
Directed by Dito Montiel
Starring Kate Mara, Jai Courtney, Shia LaBeouf, Gary Oldman and Clifton Collins, Jr.
A haunted Afghanistan war veteran attempts to come to terms with his past while searching for his family in a post-apocalyptic America.
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★★★★ review by Ash Vitus Raymer on Letterboxd
I am honestly kind of shocked with the negative reception this movie seems to be getting, I must have seen a different movie because I found Man Down to be one of the most powerful movies of the year, it's got a multilayered story that never feels convoluted and always keeps you wondering what's going to happen next along with incredible performances, Shia in particular, as well as what I will call the most emotionally devastating ending I've seen all year, it's brutal but effective just like the rest of the film, I guess I'm in the minority on this one but Green Day said that was an okay thing to do so yeeeeeeah.
★★★½ review by Vivian on Letterboxd
While I understand the strategy from a marketing perspective, I wish modern military movies weren't so wrapped in machismo. They're stories I'm ultimately drawn to, but the way they're presented in promotional material (trailers, posters, etc) is such a turn off. Like, I would not have watched this if it weren't for the fact that my internet is slow and amazon prime buffers faster than other streaming sites. And what a shame because I would have missed a gem!
Anyway. The only problem I have with this is that it isn't quite as good as some other recent movies that tackle the same ideas. But it gets a good deal of credit for being original and less matter-of-fact than movies like Megan Leavey or Thank You For Your Service. Even if the plot weakens it, it's still something unique and worth watching.
★★★★½ review by Christie on Letterboxd
This was EXCELLENT!!
I went into it expecting nothing and got everything. Great performances from Shia LaBeouf, Kate Mara, Gary Oldman which I haven't seen in forever.
This story is creative, original and so gripping. Small budget massive heart!! I loved it! -
★★★★½ review by Austin Bitikofer on Letterboxd
Man Down is a film about a marine battling PTSD(Shia LaBeouf) and my god was it an emotional film. Shia gives his all to an emotional, tear jerking performance as Gabriel, a husband and father who leaves his wife and son in his war buddy/step brothers care to fight in Afghanistan.
After his bro heals from a broken arm he too leaves Gabriel's family to go to war as well, after this, the events go down hill, spiralling into sadness(Thats all I'll say on that as I don't want to spoil it).The only reason this isn't a 5/5 is due to the films jumping back and forth, it was director Dito Montiel's artistic decision but I wasn't really feeling it, although it did help the tone and emotional feel of the film for what happened.
Shia... Great job dude, you're a great actor man.
★★★★ review by ophelia on Letterboxd
I love you Shia
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