Rabin, the Last Day
Directed by Amos Gitai
Starring Einat Weizman, Ischac Hiskiya, Pini Mitelman, Shimon Peres and Yogev Yefet
Itzhak Rabin's murder ended all efforts of peace, and with him the whole left wing of Israel died. The movie shows the last of his days as prime minister, and what led to his murder.
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★★★½ review by Filipe Furtado on Letterboxd
A film that exists in 1995 and 2015 and in all the violence in between. Ideologies getting formed and allowed to collide and the potential destruction left behind. Concentrated history observed from every register and every angle (no surprise the film keep shifting registers and moving with equal foot through long takes, spare talking heads, doc and docu-drama). A plea for poltical enagement through the definitive event of Israel’s recent history that is allowed by Gitai tact and careful move through material to resonate.
★★★★★ review by Auteur on Letterboxd
Amos Gitai's JFK, moving back and forth in time, combining reality with re-enactments, although utilizing astounding long takes to fully absorb the grim reality of such a horrific assassination that occurred a mere two decades ago. "Chilling" doesn't begin to describe Gitai's at times clinical examination of such a cultural and religious petri dish that would foster such a violent act, and in light of a certain current presidential candidate's reckless and irresponsible recent comments, Rabin goes beyond a mere snapshot of history, inadvertently becoming a cautionary tale of the often blurred lines between truth and belief.
★★★★ review by symbiotic on Letterboxd
"Mixing styles, tones, and genres at will, Rabin, The Last Day is exhausting at 153 minutes, but also densely absorbing..."
www.symbioticreviews.com/symbiotic-reviews/2016/9/11/movie-pick-of-the-week -
★★★★★ review by sebastian_drogo on Letterboxd
Il capolavoro di Amos Gitai: cinema che interroga la Storia, che si fa cronaca degli ultimi sanguinosi vent'anni, che si fa indagine serrata e scrupolosa, che si fa interrogazione morale ed etica, che rivendica la necessaria laicità di uno stato al riparo da estremismi religiosi.
Rabin cercò di avviare un processo di pace con i Palestinesi e per questo venne assassinato il 4 novembre 1995, tutto quello che venne poi e che ancora dilania il mondo, deriva da questo atto di violenza,
forse non pianificato scientemente ma senz'altro favorito e incoraggiato.
Cinema che insegna e ammonisce, se qualcuno è ancora in grado di recepire la lezione. -
★★★★ review by harlequin68 on Letterboxd
While Amos Gitai’s meditative and thoughftul approach in the past has often been too inward looking for his own good, surprisingly it works very well in this combination of dramatization and archival footage of the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin at a peace rally in 1995, as Gitai does not jump to any fanciful conclusions about this tragic event whose full ramifications are still being felt 20 years after the fact and not just in Israel where it turned out to be a turning point for the country and not in a good way. In very able terms, Gitai disputes any sort of conspiracy behind the assassination but does argue very forcefully for the killer being enabled by the militant right who are now in charge of the country.(He also catalogues a litany of incompetence and mistakes that allowed for this.) On a wider stage, there is a thankful mention of the settlements in the West Bank being against international law, just as we get another sequence of settlers being evicted which never gets old.
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