In Your Eyes
Directed by Brin Hill
Starring Zoe Kazan, Michael Stahl-David, Nikki Reed, Jennifer Grey and Mark Feuerstein
Two seemingly unconnected souls from different corners of the United States make a telepathic bond that allows them to see, hear and feel the other's experiences, creating a bond that apparently can't be broken.
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★★★½ review by Dawson Joyce on Letterboxd
A quirky, offbeat, and charming take on a familiar tale, this supernatural romance story from director Brin Hill, working from a screenplay penned by the one and only Joss Whedon, makes for an engaging viewing thanks to the excellent chemistry between leads Zoe Kazan and Michael Stahl-David and Whedon's typically strong writing.
★★★½ review by Crono on Letterboxd
Two people find they have a psychic connection and they fall in love. It's cute. Check it out.
★★★½ review by bartontare on Letterboxd
I spent most of the movie counting down to the inevitable mutual masturbation scene. Was not disappointed.
★★★★ review by Arnaldo_Ibarra on Letterboxd
This year has been a little different, in which I had several movies have taken me by surprise, for better or worse, movies that I thought would be a success eventually disappoint and films which had not the slightest idea I was impressed that liked me so much, and I'm happy to say that "In Your Eyes" is part of the latter, which appeared out of nowhere and never expected me that I liked so much, and it's funny to think that the only reason why which I decided to see "In Your Eyes" was that he had the presence of Zoe Kazan and know that the script was written by Joss Whedon and thank so simple reasons for the opportunity to have seen a film that I liked me as much as this.
It's not perfect but neither have much to criticize, unlike explain the reasons why I both like and is that first it's hard not to have him some affection to a film that has the presence of Zoe Kazan, which gives us a performance without many respects noteworthy but equally good, I liked the image that gives us here and also the aspect I liked most is that ability and that took Zoe Kazan and Michael Stahl-David to create a chemistry between them despite not sharing a scene together until the last few minutes of the film, as well as the great subtlety with which we provide a love story aside largely comedy and focusing purely on love, create a connection between the characters with the audience , do believe in the history of both characters and as I said, all this without the characters share a scene together and until the end of the film, one must admit that the story leaves many things aside and a few other unexplained but that does not change how much you enjoy this movie, a love story between two people who clearly demonstrate that they are not perfect at all and that everyone has experienced in different ways a very bad versions of loneliness, but frankly I do not think there a good version of solitude.
"In Your Eyes" is part of the films in this year 2014 I have provided one of the most pleasant surprises, this along with "Horns" I can say that so far are those films which are not quite expecting anything and ended charming, recommend it without a doubt.
★★★★½ review by Casey Taylor on Letterboxd
Just...wow. I don't know if the reason I love this movie so much is because I'm a big cheese ball or if this movie is genuinely amazing as it seems. Some of the actors were a little...bland. Off their game per say. Zoe Kazan and Michael Stahl-David did absolutely phenomenal though. I don't believe they could've picked better people as their leads. At times things in the movie were a little awkward and I loved that. The realism shown in a situation that isn't so real is a real big winner in my book. Overall I wouldn't recommend this movie to just anyone,but more to someone who's looking for something weird and quirky and real all in one. I really want to see some more Brin Hill stuff out there. And I've got to give major props to Joss Whedon for writing an amazing script. Even if it is aged a bit. Most importantly, I like the fact that this movie isn't for everyone. All movies are, I know, but from what I've seen this one really isn't. This leads to more of a cult-ish following and I love that. It just really narrows everything down. Puts things into a better perspective and it helps find like-minded people. Which is always a trip. Especially with movies.
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