Angry Sky
Directed by Jeff Tremaine
In 1965, a truck driver and exotic pet dealer from New Jersey decided that he could join an elite group of men who had been to the final frontier -- space.
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★★★½ review by mostdope412 on Letterboxd
I never thought that jumping from a balloon in space to set a record for highest parachute jump was a sport. I am not saying it isn't--I just never thought about it that way. That is why I was a bit surprised when I started watching this and the film was apparently made by ESPN. This is not a bad thing at all, as almost every ESPN documentary I have seen is terrific...and the worst STILL being very good. And, as far as these films go, this one is among the very best.
★★★★ review by dshie24601 on Letterboxd
Good film
★★★★½ review by Marisa Carpico on Letterboxd
What a personality and what a story. Great archival footage. I still don't love the reenactment, but there aren't too many. The ending feels a bit rushed and I would have liked to spend maybe a little more time on whether anything could have been done differently when he hit the ground, but the end note where his buddy says it was all thanks to the curse after climbing Angel Falls was kind of great.
★★★★ review by Matt Greene on Letterboxd
Not to be redundant, but this is yet another great 30 for 30. After only 5 minutes, I was totally hooked on this spunky and rebellious look at this forgotten daredevil. Tremaine (a PERFECT choice to direct this subject) balances the fun interviews with surprisingly authentic reenactments, keeping you pinned to the screen. A completely riveting portrait of a fascinating and driven dude.
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