Autism in Love
Directed by Matthew Fuller
The story of four adults with autism spectrum disorders as they search for and manage romantic relationships.
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★★★★ review by Rob Trench on Letterboxd
For the record, I cried about eight times during this.
★★★½ review by Tyler Featherstone on Letterboxd
Didn't think I'd sit and watch all of this when my girlfriend threw it on the other night. It wasn't bad though.
There are no experts chiming in giving you facts and statistics or anything like that, but rather it follows a few autistic people as they live life, dealing with being autistic and how it impacts their relationships, in their own words.
The group it follows are all from different walks of life and various ends of the spectrum. There's a young adult, still living with his mother, who struggles daily with his autism and is desperate for companionship. Not only do you feel for him, but it's torturous for his mother to go through watching him. There's an autistic couple thinking of taking their relationship to next level. Another guy that has been married for years but dealing with changes that aren't for the better.
It's fairly average in how it's put together, but the subjects make it interesting.
★★★★ review by Todd Malkin on Letterboxd
A very touching movie that manages to be insightful without overplaying itself. A mother's love for her son touched me most, but several scenes spoke to me. I cried. My cats cried. I heard my neighbors crying. There wasn't a dry eye in the neighborhood.
★★★★½ review by Scott on Letterboxd
Third Tribeca film. Absolutely touching and moving documentary about four individuals on the autism spectrum dealing with the emotional complexities and hardships of love. By itself, love is a really hard emotion to deal with; when you add in individuals who have a developmental condition which makes it hard to read other people and express yourself properly, it's one of the most challenging things to deal with. It proves to be a wallop of emotions, of despair and triumph in equal measure. If you have anyone on the Austism Spectrum in your life, or have any interest in it, it'll be absolutely essential viewing.
★★★★ review by CG on Letterboxd
Love is hard - for anyone
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