King Jack
Directed by Felix Thompson
Starring Charlie Plummer, Cory Nichols, Christian Madsen, Danny Flaherty and Erin Davies
Growing up in a rural town filled with violent delinquents, Jack has learned to do what it takes to survive, despite having an oblivious mother and no father. After his aunt falls ill and a younger cousin comes to stay with him, the hardened 15-year-old discovers the importance of friendship, family, and looking for happiness even in the most desolate of circumstances.
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★★★★ review by Andre de Nervaux on Letterboxd
I'm a sucker for bike riding shots with lens flares
★★★★★ review by char 🍑 on Letterboxd
i’m literally 3 minutes in and i’m already in love with this movie
★★★★½ review by pudge on Letterboxd
this is so beautiful??? i'm literally incapable of putting into words how i feel about this film but i just wanna say that charlie plummer is so talented, he's gonna kill it as pudge in looking for alaska.
★★★½ review by MaryAnn on Letterboxd
I work with extremely nice and funny teenage girls on a weekly basis, and I know they aren't a full representation or sample of their age, but man, working with them makes me so sensitive to movies with shithead teenagers! Just! Do! The! Right! Thing! I was about to break through the TV and give those bullies a piece of my mind!! 😡
★★★½ review by Brandon Hart on Letterboxd
"Hey, Jack! This movie is King!"
- Brandon Hart's first (and final) draft of this review, shortly before jumping into a pool with his ankle tied to a cinder block(This is actually a fantastic debut, and Felix Thompson should be proud)
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