TransFatty Lives
Directed by Patrick O'Brien
Diagnosed with ALS and given 2 to 5 years to live, New York City DJ, internet personality, and filmmaker, TransFatty, brings his camera along for the ride in this unconventional examination of life, death, and everything in between.
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★★★★ review by Luis_989 on Letterboxd
While it can be argued that it could have had more depth to the subject of the disease it is understandable that the focus is him and living his life with that burden.
★★★★½ review by LL ⏳ on Letterboxd
The most beautiful punch in the gut you'll ever get.
★★★★ review by Cosmic Sentry on Letterboxd
A heartbreaking and amazing documentary following Patrick O'Brien, a filmmaker who was diagnosed with ALS in 2005 and how he has coped with the cruel disease.
What makes this documentary so incredible is the pure guts it took for O'Brien to document everything and how lightheartedly he approached such a devastating disease. Even in the face of near death, O'Brien is still a character and an artist that entertains and makes people laugh.
O'Brien is an inspiration to people with this awful disease all over the world and certainly an inspiration to a fellow filmmaker such as myself. Be sure to bring a few tissues for this one.
Keep fighting, Patrick. We're all rooting for you.
★★★★ review by ristubasan on Letterboxd
A fascinating intro to the way ALS is experienced - yes it's chaotic, hilarious at times, bitter at others, and desperately saddening. An observer would perhaps have spent more time with the family, or the doctors, or the caregivers, or the scientists. But that's not what this is - this is first person almost all the way, a narrative that leaves a great deal unexplained yet still largely succeeds.
★★★★★ review by Emily Stoneking on Letterboxd
What an extraordinary human being.
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